I've got £2 each way on Nozic at Ladbrokes and £1 on him in the Grand National sweepstake at work.
Odds currently stand at 100-1 and he's one of the least fancied horses in the race but he was drawn from a hypothetical hat for me and I want to stand by my beast. Look at him! That's the nose of a winner. He's being rode by Liam 'Gnashers' Treadwell who stormed 100-1 outsider Mon Mome into first place last year which SAYS IT ALL.
A 100-1 winner, two years in a row by the same jockey? I fancy my chances.
Well Nozic went down like Leigh in Hustle. He didn't even finish! I don't think anyway. The commentary was too blurry.
ReplyDeleteNEVER AGAIN..