Friday 20 May 2011

Rheumy Eye

How splendid to have a room with a view
unless you have an eye with rheum.
A rheumy-rhymey eye that just won’t stop twitching,
you find yourself blink blink blinking in the kitchen.
You phone the Doc, all fidgety in your socks -
‘Since moving in this room I’ve been plagued with rheum.’
‘With room? ..Sorry? Think you’ve got the wrong number loon.’
‘Not room…I said rheum. Shall I spell it out?’
‘Ah rheum you say. Well at least it’s not gout.’
All he can suggest is to take lots of fruit and green veg
and give your eyes a wash now and then.


  1. Thanks! :)
    One of the JCP poems, Paul gave me a title and I had to go from there.
